Melbourne City Council Compost Trial Underway: A Partnership with Michael Mobbs, Coolseats and Zoe Wang - called, Worms at Work
Comparing Compost Bin Designs
Hadley's story . . . getting serenity at the start of my days
See the water, recycled water, sewage and food systems this weekend
Something's in the air
U.S. intern's story - learning to compost and harvest street food
Community grows food in their roads
In 2008 the Chippendale Community held their Food For the Future Fair. They planted 300 edible plants and trees generously provided by Sydney City Council. Some photos of that day show the energy and social ‘glue’ we made that day as we dug up and replaced concrete with soil, compost and plants . . .
Gardening for stress relief - Lily's story
Harvesting roof water to celebrate it in an intermittent road garden fountain
How I made my own compost, and why
We compost over 300 kg a week in our road gardens
A garden in your window?
We can grow our food - details for how to
Zoom your project with Michael
How to make a leaky drain
Rain is our lifeblood . . .
Food scraps Friday at Camdenville Primary School, NSW
Creating a space to hang out
"I get the news I need on the weather report . . . "
“I get the news I need . . . “. When I first heard Simon and Garfunkel sing this In The Beginning of Time I knew nothing but the words stuck. Maybe I know nothing now, or just a bit. But this I know - our farmers in Australia, upon whom we depend for the food on our tables, are doing it tough everywhere. This guest blog by a couple of farmers is my hat tip to that farm, farmers everywhere and to those who show love for, sweat for and care for country.