Melbourne City Council Compost Trial Underway: A Partnership with Michael Mobbs, Coolseats and Zoe Wang - called, Worms at Work
Beginner's Guide to Compot Composting in 7 Simple Steps
How to keep rain where it falls
I have to do something for Earth every day
“It has not only become socially acceptable for our leaders to lie, it is more or less what we expect them to do. You and I have been given the historic responsibility to set things right. Together, we can do the seemingly impossible. But make no mistake, no one else is going to do this for us. This is up to us here and now. You and me.” Greta Thunberg, Glastonbury Festival, England, June 2022
How to irrigate street trees, plants – hands free
Sydney cafe ending food waste - Pt 1
Compostable magazine sleeve & veggie bags
No Sydney stormwater leaves my house - YES!
How I compost in my uni home in the US
Solutions to burning food
The Earthwalker's house, Patagonia
How to show love in the kitchen sink for fish in the ocean
To burn food is to burn soil
Wonderful success story - Village Homes, California
Farm fencing revolution
Examples of financial incentives to sustain Earth's climate
Feed the soil, feed the world
By “feed the soil, feed the world’, I mean we can now turn left over food into soil using a remarkable new way of composting - no smell, almost no maintenance, and its a seat we can sit on. It goes on concrete, gravel or soil. It’s revolutionary and beautiful. Now, anyone may easily grow soil to grow food.
"I get the news I need on the weather report . . . "
“I get the news I need . . . “. When I first heard Simon and Garfunkel sing this In The Beginning of Time I knew nothing but the words stuck. Maybe I know nothing now, or just a bit. But this I know - our farmers in Australia, upon whom we depend for the food on our tables, are doing it tough everywhere. This guest blog by a couple of farmers is my hat tip to that farm, farmers everywhere and to those who show love for, sweat for and care for country.