How to use a coolseat

• Bloke trying to count his fingers (gets it wrong) . . .

Five . . . six . . er, how many ways to use a coolseat?

Any of us, gardeners or not, queesie or not about food waste, don’t care about gardening or food waste . . . whatever - we can easily get so much out of a coolseat. Look at this video . . .

We can get joy, fun, relaxation, conversations from a coolseat if its on a footpath, courtyard, concrete, grass, dirt, gravel . . .

(A sixth thing we can get from a coolseat is free compost.)

Try a coolseat as this school is shown doing in this video about one part of a trial of different compost options - here an intern is weighing food waste to collect data on the school’s food waste:

Thank you and congratulations to the Sustainable Schools Grants Program, and the NSW Department of Eduction for the grant for this project at the school.

Ahem. What is a ‘coolseat’?

Where have you been? It’s here.

I have to show love for Earth each day. Coolseats help me to show that love.

May the worms and tiny things in compost be with you.
