Review of Australia's national energy, water standards for appliances

The Australian government has appointed Anna Collyer, a lawyer, to review the national standards for energy and water efficiency of appliances.

The terms of reference are here.  It will consider:

"submissions from, and consultations with, business, consumer groups, the community and relevant Commonwealth, New Zealand, state and territory agencies; 

 the reports and outcomes of recent reviews in relation to GEMS, such as the 2014-15 Review of the Inter-Governmental Agreement for the GEMS Legislative Scheme and the 2016-17 GEMS Fees Review. "

The review is to be delivered to a federal government Minister by 'mid-2018'.

The government advertisement is here.

A couple of ideas the review may wish to consider include:

  • The base load and operating loads of induction cooktops are presently outside the standards and that’s a major gap which I suggest the review close;

  • The energy efficiency website has been ‘dumbed down’ and made less useful because it’s harder to compare products on it now: see here.

For the last 21 years my three bedroom house near Sydney's Central Station and the CBD  has had energy and water bills less than $300 a year, including when the kids were young and the washing machine went every other day.

 It’s easy to have low bills, anyone can.