I have to do something for Earth every day

I have to do something for Earth every day

“It has not only become socially acceptable for our leaders to lie, it is more or less what we expect them to do. You and I have been given the historic responsibility to set things right. Together, we can do the seemingly impossible. But make no mistake, no one else is going to do this for us. This is up to us here and now. You and me.” Greta Thunberg, Glastonbury Festival, England, June 2022

A cool day for Curl Curl - Pt 2

A cool day for Curl Curl - Pt 2

After seven months of persistence and teamwork, Curl Curl’s journey towards zero waste has taken another almighty step. This seat will make composting easier for Curlys Café and spread the word across the Curly community, that composting at home or as a local business is easy to do, financially and environmentally rewarding, as well as a source of natural beauty.

Consultants - their battle with truth

Consultants - their battle with truth

“Yet I am fairly certain that I was artist enough to have given up all the power in the world without regrets if a single perfect building had been granted me, perfect as the Pantheon, the dome of St Peters . . . to enter history with such a building - that was the ambition that impelled me . . .” Spandau - the secret diaries by Albert Speer.